I 'hate' the topic. And am still trying hard to fight the feeling of disappointment toward Aa Gym -- once was one of my favorite da'i. The da'i who become headline in the Time Magazine years ago. The one who talked about simple daily things in life, yet made us be thankful to what we have and learn to praise Allah SWT more day by day. The one who set examples of how to build "a sakinah, mawaddah, warrahmah family"
But somehow the title intrigued me.
"If I were Aa's Gym wife" ... What would I do????
My mind wonder a few days back, the following conversations flashing in my mind:
Saya Abdullah Gymnastiar, suami Teh Ninih, " kata Aa Gym
"Saya istri pertama Abdullah Gymnastiar," kata Teh Ninih.
Hadirin tertawa.
"Abdullah Gymnastiar adalah suami saya, satu-satunya," kata Teh Ninih pula
"I'm Abdullah Gymnastiar, husband of Teh Ninih. " Aa Gym said.
"I am Abdullah Gymnastiar's first wife," Teh Ninih said
The audience laughed.
"Abdullah Gymnastiar is my husband, my one and only,"
I smiled when I read this article. A bitter smile. " How ironic, " sadly I thought.
But there are no sadness shown in Teh Ninih's face. Only sweet smiles and sweet determination to live her life the way she believed in. After a quite long soul-searching period, trying hard to survive the turbulence in their marriage after Aa's Gym decision to undergo the so called 'polygamy', she admitted that she had come to acceptance and surrendered to what is ruled by Allah SWT -- The Most Gracious, The Most Compasionate.
May Allah SWT -- The Most Gracious, The Most Compasionate -- blessed her with stronger iman and happiness in the future and always. (The same du'a goes for Aa Gym :D)
I really don't want to go through the never ending discussion and pros-and-cons about polygamy... there are too much already, done by more authorized and knowledgable scholars around the world.. lolz.
My mother, not wanting to go into a debate also, in her casual but firm way said smilingly:
"If and when you ever had to deal with this kind of thing ... share your sadness and confussion to Allah SWT and ask Him for His Guidance. Maybe you could shed some tears, but you have to brave yourself to think and consider how it will affect every aspects of your life. Then ... make a decision. Accept the condition and go on with your life, or -- may Allah forgive -- ask for a divorce. Dont let yourself torn in between. It would only make you feel miserable for the rest of your life"
I just listened silently, thinking it must be "easier to say than done".
Nevertheless I do believe, ones have the right to choose what's best for them.
Teh Ninih had made the decision.
But If I were Aa Gym's Wife .... What would I do???
(Aa Gym is lucky he doesnot have me as his wife ... lolz)
Salam Damai.
Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009.