If I had to describe my mom
in words
I will say that she is love,
my strength,
my world's heaven.
If only I could be
half as good as she is
From the many ways people described the word or the meaning of "mother", the lyrics in "IBU" song -- sung and written by an Indonesian famous balad singer Iwan Fals is the one I love
the most;
"... seperti udara kasih yang engkau berikan...
tak mampu ku membalas.. Ibu ... "
( "your love is like the air that i breathed..
I could never repay, mother")
We took for granted the air that we breathed. It's like it was there for us, we never asked for it, we just breathed, never gave much thought about what will we be without it. AllahuAkbar.
And like what the song told us, sometimes we took our Mother (and Father) love and care for granted.
A friend reminded me that celebrating Mother Day is "not Islamic". I could not agree more with this. Yet being a muslimah (trying and learning hard to be a better one everyday), a woman -- and one day a mother to be -- I value and honour the position of a mother in our life (and in the community as well) as what is told to me since childhood :
" A man came to the Messenger of Allah (SAW) and said: " O Messenger of Allah who among the people is most deservin my good company?" He said: "Your Mother". He asked: "Then who?" He said: "Your Mother". He asked: "Then who?" He said: "Your Mother". He asked : "Then who?" He said: "Then Your Father" (narrated by Al Bukhaari, 5626, Muslim2548)
So today is our national Mother's Day. My friends reminder is a good reminder for me. Yet in fact, I never really "celebrating" it. There is no clelebration involved. Cause everyday is a Mother's Day for me.... even more, a Parents' Day :D
Dedicating this very one day for Mother does not mean we love her less in other days. It's just another reminder that we have to love, care, respect and honour our parents.
And Mother always comes first.
Happy Mother's Day ( can't love you enough, Bunda :D )
Thank You Allah
For My Mother
"My Mother" - Yusuf Islam Nasyeed Song
Salam Damai.
Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009.
Bundaaaa...Doain.. hehehe