The General Elections Commission (KPU) negligence on the voter lists and the slow vote counting, arised some protests both from the parties involved and the people in general. These not only showed the poor performance of the commission but causing uncertainty as well. Leaders of political parties, the national rights body and a number of civil society groups have taken legal action to challenge the April 9 elections’ results. Although the 'negligence' reason is generally understood, if there were indications that these errors were intentional, further investigations and trials will be necessary. Leaders of some political parties even further alleged that many cheating occurred.
Another 'hot topics' are who's going to run as the candidate of President and Vice President on the next Presidential Elections (Pemilu 2009 for Capres dan Wapres)in June. Since there are none of the political parties gained 25 percent of vote, a coalition between parties becomes a must. And this is where the heat arisen. You will be surprised (or maybe you won't .. lolz) how two old time opponents could be friendly united to gain power and fight against the president incumbent who will definitely run for the second period of presidency. I will not go indepth about this, but I think our incumbent President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (who's Democratic Party is leading) will be challenged by former President Megawati and probably another candidates couple in the next Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009 for President.
Let's wait and see, and hope everything will run peacefully.
Let's hope that the next Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indoenesia 2009 for Presidnet will run peacefully.
Today's news is really Hot.. lolz