Saturday, December 22, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

If I had to describe my mom
in words
I will say that she is love,
my strength,
my world's heaven.

If only I could be

half as good as she is

From the many ways people described the word or the meaning of "mother", the lyrics in "IBU" song -- sung and written by an Indonesian famous balad singer Iwan Fals is the one I love
the most;

"... seperti udara kasih yang engkau berikan...
tak mampu ku membalas.. Ibu ... "
( "your love is like the air that i breathed..
I could never repay, mother")

We took for granted the air that we breathed. It's like it was there for us, we never asked for it, we just breathed, never gave much thought about what will we be without it. AllahuAkbar.
And like what the song told us, sometimes we took our Mother (and Father) love and care for granted.

A friend reminded me that celebrating Mother Day is "not Islamic". I could not agree more with this. Yet being a muslimah (trying and learning hard to be a better one everyday), a woman -- and one day a mother to be -- I value and honour the position of a mother in our life (and in the community as well) as what is told to me since childhood :

" A man came to the Messenger of Allah (SAW) and said: " O Messenger of Allah who among the people is most deservin my good company?" He said: "Your Mother". He asked: "Then who?" He said: "Your Mother". He asked: "Then who?" He said: "Your Mother". He asked : "Then who?" He said: "Then Your Father" (narrated by Al Bukhaari, 5626, Muslim2548)

So today is our national Mother's Day. My friends reminder is a good reminder for me. Yet in fact, I never really "celebrating" it. There is no clelebration involved. Cause everyday is a Mother's Day for me.... even more, a Parents' Day :D

Dedicating this very one day for Mother does not mean we love her less in other days. It's just another reminder that we have to love, care, respect and honour our parents.
And Mother always comes first.

Happy Mother's Day ( can't love you enough, Bunda :D )

Thank You Allah
For My Mother

And let's listen to this beautifull nasyeed written by Yusuf Islam

"My Mother" - Yusuf Islam Nasyeed Song

Salam Damai.
Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009.
Sunday, September 9, 2007

TU H A N S E M B I L A N S E N T I ***
( 9 c en t i m e t e r s G o d )

By: Taufiq Ismail

"Tuhan Sembilan Senti" ( " 9 centimeters God " ... lolzzz... ) a poem by Taufiq Ismail, famous Indonesian poet. A poem about how cigarettes have become "god" for some people. They can't live without a way, they worship it.

He described how smoking has been part of our daily life.... anytime, everytime, anywhere , everywhere.... you can find the so called happy smokers. They are all around you -- at home, at school, bus station, clinic etc..... And sadly, the word " THEY " includes many of those prominent people who are supposed to set good example for the community.. : teachers, doctors, rich men, poor men.... including the ulamas (sighhhh). They who don't care about their own health.. and what worse is they are jeopardizing other people's health. HIV/AIDS would not be contagious by only sitting nearby those who suffers. But this "9 centimeters God' would. We -- the non smokers ...lolzz -- are the passive smoker, the one who bear the worst consequences.

Worshiping this "9 centimeters God" is very easy ... no need for wudlu or tayamum for purification.. no need to do ruku and sujjud for taqqarub.. all they need is to light it up, and enjoy.

At the end.. the poet prayed:
Rabbana... give us strength to fight this "new God"

Indonesia adalah sorga luar biasa ramah bagi perokok,
tapi tempat siksa tak tertahankan bagi orang yang tak merokok,

Di sawah petani merokok,
di pabrik pekerja merokok,
di kantor pegawai merokok,
di kabinet menteri merokok,
di reses parlemen anggota DPR merokok,
di Mahkamah Agung yang bergaun toga merokok,
hansip-bintara-perwira nongkrong merokok,
di perkebunan pemetik buah kopi merokok,
di perahu nelayan penjaring ikan merokok,
di pabrik petasan pemilik modalnya merokok,
di pekuburan sebelum masuk kubur orang merokok,

Indonesia adalah semacam firdaus-jannatu-na'im sangat ramah bagi perokok,
tapi tempat siksa kubur hidup-hidup bagi orang yang tak merokok,

Di balik pagar SMU murid-murid mencuri-curi merokok,
di ruang kepala sekolah ada guru merokok,
di kampus mahasiswa merokok,
di ruang kuliah dosen merokok,
di rapat POMG orang tua murid merokok,
di perpustakaan kecamatan ada siswa bertanya

apakah ada buku tuntunan cara merokok,
di angkot Kijang penumpang merokok,
di bis kota sumpek yang berdiri yang duduk orang bertanding merokok,
di loket penjualan karcis orang merokok,
di kereta api penuh sesak orang festival merokok,
di kapal penyeberangan antar pulau penumpang merokok,
di andong Yogya kusirnya merokok,
sampai kabarnya kuda andong minta diajari pula merokok,

Negeri kita ini sungguh nirwana kayangan para dewa-dewa bagi perokok,
tapi tempat cobaan sangat berat bagi orang yang tak merokok,

Rokok telah menjadi dewa,
tuhan baru,
diam-diam menguasai kita,

Di pasar orang merokok,
di warung Tegal pengunjung merokok,
di restoran di toko buku orang merokok,
di kafe di diskotik para pengunjung merokok,
bercakap-cakap kita jarak setengah meter tak tertahankan abab rokok,
bayangkan isteri-isteri yang bertahun-tahun menderita di kamar tidur
ketika melayani para suami yang bau mulut dan hidungnya mirip asbak rokok,

Duduk kita di tepi tempat tidur ketika dua orang bergumul
saling menularkan HIV-AIDS sesamanya,
tapi kita tidak ketularan penyakitnya.
Duduk kita disebelah orang yang dengan cueknya
mengepulkan asap rokok di kantor atau di stopan bus,
kita ketularan penyakitnya.
Nikotin lebih jahat penularannya ketimbang HIV-AIDS,

Indonesia adalah sorga kultur pengembangbiakan nikotin

paling subur di dunia,
dan kita yang tak langsung menghirup sekali pun asap tembakau itu,
bisa ketularan kena,

Di puskesmas pedesaan orang kampung merokok,
di apotik yang antri obat merokok,
di panti pijat tamu-tamu disilahkan merokok,
di ruang tunggu dokter pasien merokok,
dan ada juga dokter-dokter merokok,

Istirahat main tenis orang merokok,
di pinggir lapangan voli orang merokok,
menyandang raket badminton orang merokok,
pemain bola PSSI sembunyi-sembunyi merokok,
panitia pertandingan balap mobil,

pertandingan bulutangkis, turnamen sepakbola
mengemis-ngemis mencium kaki sponsor perusahaan rokok,

Di kamar kecil 12 meter kubik, sambil 'ek-'ek orang goblok merokok,
di dalam lift gedung 15 tingkat dengan tak acuh orang goblok merokok,
di ruang sidang ber-AC penuh,

dengan cueknya, pakai dasi, orang-orang goblok merokok,

Indonesia adalah

semacam firdaus-jannatu-na'im sangat ramah bagi orang perokok,
tapi tempat siksa kubur hidup-hidup bagi orang yang tak merokok,

Rokok telah menjadi dewa,
tuhan baru,
diam-diam menguasai kita,

Di sebuah ruang sidang ber-AC penuh,
duduk sejumlah ulama terhormat merujuk kitab kuning
dan mempersiapkan sejumlah fatwa.

Mereka ulama ahli hisap.
Haasaba, yuhaasibu, hisaaban.
Bukan ahli hisab ilmu falak, tapi ahli hisap rokok.
Di antara jari telunjuk dan jari tengah mereka
terselip berhala-berhala kecil,
sembilan senti panjangnya,
putih warnanya,
ke mana-mana dibawa dengan setia,
satu kantong dengan kalung tasbih 99 butirnya,

Mengintip kita dari balik jendela ruang sidang,
tampak kebanyakan mereka memegang rokok dengan tangan kanan,
cuma sedikit yang memegang dengan tangan kiri.
Inikah gerangan pertanda yang terbanyak kelompok ashabul yamiin
dan yang sedikit golongan ashabus syimaal?

Asap rokok mereka mengepul-ngepul di ruangan AC penuh itu.
Mamnu'ut tadkhiin, ya ustadz.
Laa tasyrabud dukhaan, ya ustadz.
Kyai, ini ruangan ber-AC penuh.
Haadzihi al ghurfati malii'atun bi mukayyafi al hawwa'i.
Kalau tak tahan, di luar itu sajalah merokok.
Laa taqtuluu anfusakum.

Min fadhlik, ya ustadz.
25 penyakit ada dalam khamr. Khamr diharamkan.
15 penyakit ada dalam daging khinzir (babi). Daging khinzir diharamkan.
4000 zat kimia beracun ada pada sebatang rokok.
Patutnya rokok diapakan?

Tak perlu dijawab sekarang, ya ustadz.
Wa yuharrimu 'alayhimul khabaaith.
Mohon ini direnungkan tenang-tenang,
karena pada zaman Rasulullah dahulu,
sudah ada alkohol, sudah ada babi,
tapi belum ada rokok.

Jadi ini PR untuk para ulama.
Tapi jangan karena ustadz ketagihan rokok,
lantas hukumnya jadi dimakruh-makruhkan, jangan,

Para ulama ahli hisap itu terkejut mendengar perbandingan ini.
Banyak yang diam-diam membunuh
tuhan-tuhan kecil yang kepalanya berapi itu,
yaitu ujung rokok mereka.
Kini mereka berfikir. Biarkan mereka berfikir.
Asap rokok di ruangan ber-AC itu makin pengap,
dan ada yang mulai terbatuk-batuk,

Pada saat sajak ini dibacakan malam hari ini,
sejak tadi pagi sudah 120 orang di Indonesia mati karena penyakit rokok.
Korban penyakit rokok lebih dahsyat ketimbang korban kecelakaan lalu lintas,
lebih gawat ketimbang bencana banjir, gempa bumi dan longsor,
cuma setingkat di bawah korban narkoba,

Pada saat sajak ini dibacakan,
berhala-berhala kecil itu sangat berkuasa di negara kita,
jutaan jumlahnya,
bersembunyi di dalam kantong baju dan celana,
dibungkus dalam kertas berwarni dan berwarna,
diiklankandengan indah dan cerdasnya,

Tidak perlu wudhu atau tayammum menyucikan diri,
tidak perlu ruku' dan sujud untuk taqarrub pada tuhan-tuhan ini,
karena orang akan khusyuk dan fana dalam nikmat
lewat upacara menyalakan api dan sesajen asap tuhan-tuhan ini,


beri kami kekuatan menghadapi berhala-berhala ini.

But for the sake of giving a 'balance opinion",
I'd like to quote former Indonesian Minister of Education Fuad Hassan "famous saying"....
(I dont remember the exact wordings ...but here it goes)
" For those who don't smoke (yet),
never ever try to start smoking.
For those who smoke, dont quit"

And this following "wise words" (lolzzzzzz) was from one of my best friend:
"in the end, smoking or no-smoking, we all will die after all.
So why bother?? "

Well.. the choice is yours.
Nevertheless, I'm glad there is now regulation prohibiting the happy smoker not to smoke in public places, except in the smoking area provided.

Viva non smoker ;))

Salam Damai.
Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I Do Not Love You Except Because I Love You

I do not love you except because I love you;
I go from loving to not loving you,
From waiting to not waiting for you
My heart moves from cold to fire.

I love you only because it's you the one I love;
I hate you deeply, and hating you
Bend to you, and the measure of my changing love for you
Is that I do not see you but love you blindly.

Maybe January light will consume
My heart with its cruel Ray,
stealing my key to true calm.

In this part of the story I am the one who Dies,
the only one, and I will die of love because I love you,
Because I love you,
Love, in fire and blood

by: Pablo Neruda

Pablo Neruda -- Chilean poet, diplomat, and politician who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971. Neruda was perhaps the most important Latin-American poet of the 20th century, and penned some of the most tender, sensuous, melancholy, erotic and passionate love poetry one will ever read

Salam Damai.
Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009.
Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Munafiq

(HR Buhari)

With this definition in mind.. I guess we all are "a munafiq" at one time or another..lolz.
Sunday, May 27, 2007

Izinkan aku ......

Izinkan aku berdoa
bukan agar terhindar dari bahaya
melainkan agar aku tiada takut menghadapinya
Izinkan aku memohon
bukan agar penderitaanku hilang
melainkan agar hatiku teguh menghadapinya
Izinkan aku tidak mencari sekutu dalam perjuangan hidupku
melainkan memperoleh kekuatanku sendiri
Izinkan aku tidak memohon keselamatan dengan ketakutan dan kegelisahan
melainkan memiliki harapan dan
bersabar untuk memenangkan kebebasanku
Berkati aku
sehingga aku tidak menjadi pengecut
dengan merasakan kemurahan-Mu
dalam keberhasilanku semata
Tapi biarkan aku menemukan
genggaman tangan-Mu dalam kegagalanku

(translated from: Rabindranath Tagore)

In one important occassion of my life, beside a beautiful du'a, my (late) father read this piece of Tagore's. Thank you so much, Ayah.

**I'm still looking for the English version lolzz....

Salam Damai.
Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009.
Saturday, May 19, 2007

H e a r t

Salam Damai.
Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007

For Daughters and Sons

"Mengawal" bundaku pada setiap pertemuan rutinnya dengan sesama "Golden Girls" (lolzz) adalah bagian dari keseharianku saat ini. Hanya, gak pernah terbersit dipikiranku, bahwa kehadiranku yang sungguh biasa saja itu , bisa menimbulkan rasa "iri" dalam hati the other "Golden Girls".

One day, one of the Golden Girls whispers silently to my ears: " Gaia, we envied your mother. She's lucky to have you around. We have our chldren's car and driver to drive us, and also some amount of allowance... yet it would feel different if one time they would be willing to spare their time to accompany us.. not necessarily in the monthly gathering coz they have their own life".. she chocked back her tears...

" Once a year, that would make a difference..."

I just hold her hands.

Salam Damai.
Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007


If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or, being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with triumph and disaster
And treat those two imposters just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with wornout tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breath a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on";

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch;
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run -
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son!

Poem by Rudyard Kipling

(PS: My late Ayah (father) once read this for me when I was still a kid -- and gosh!!.. in English !!!.. lolzzz. I didnt understand it words by words back then, but Ayah did tell me the core: on being a "Man" --- arrghh..!! A "Woman" to be precise :D. I was glad I came accross this poem yesterday. Dear Ayah, this is for the memory of you. I'm still trying to be one, Ayah.. and will keep on trying)

Salam Damai.
Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009.
Monday, April 30, 2007

"Seandainya Saya Istri Aa Gym"

.... if only the writer had chosen another title for this book, maybe I wouldn't even have thought of buying it.

I 'hate' the topic. And am still trying hard to fight the feeling of disappointment toward Aa Gym -- once was one of my favorite da'i. The da'i who become headline in the Time Magazine years ago. The one who talked about simple daily things in life, yet made us be thankful to what we have and learn to praise Allah SWT more day by day. The one who set examples of how to build "a sakinah, mawaddah, warrahmah family"

But somehow the title intrigued me.

"If I were Aa's Gym wife" ... What would I do????

My mind wonder a few days back, the following conversations flashing in my mind:

Saya Abdullah Gymnastiar, suami Teh Ninih, " kata Aa Gym
"Saya istri pertama Abdullah Gymnastiar," kata Teh Ninih.
Hadirin tertawa.
"Abdullah Gymnastiar adalah suami saya, satu-satunya," kata Teh Ninih pula

"I'm Abdullah Gymnastiar, husband of Teh Ninih. " Aa Gym said.
"I am Abdullah Gymnastiar's first wife," Teh Ninih said
The audience laughed.
"Abdullah Gymnastiar is my husband, my one and only,"

I smiled when I read this article. A bitter smile. " How ironic, " sadly I thought.

But there are no sadness shown in Teh Ninih's face. Only sweet smiles and sweet determination to live her life the way she believed in. After a quite long soul-searching period, trying hard to survive the turbulence in their marriage after Aa's Gym decision to undergo the so called 'polygamy', she admitted that she had come to acceptance and surrendered to what is ruled by Allah SWT -- The Most Gracious, The Most Compasionate.

May Allah SWT -- The Most Gracious, The Most Compasionate -- blessed her with stronger iman and happiness in the future and always. (The same du'a goes for Aa Gym :D)

I really don't want to go through the never ending discussion and pros-and-cons about polygamy... there are too much already, done by more authorized and knowledgable scholars around the world.. lolz.

My mother, not wanting to go into a debate also, in her casual but firm way said smilingly:
"If and when you ever had to deal with this kind of thing ... share your sadness and confussion to Allah SWT and ask Him for His Guidance. Maybe you could shed some tears, but you have to brave yourself to think and consider how it will affect every aspects of your life. Then ... make a decision. Accept the condition and go on with your life, or -- may Allah forgive -- ask for a divorce. Dont let yourself torn in between. It would only make you feel miserable for the rest of your life"

I just listened silently, thinking it must be "easier to say than done".
Nevertheless I do believe, ones have the right to choose what's best for them.

Teh Ninih had made the decision.

But If I were Aa Gym's Wife .... What would I do???
(Aa Gym is lucky he doesnot have me as his wife ... lolz)

Salam Damai.
Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009.
Sunday, April 15, 2007

Wind Beneath My Wings

This post is dedicated to my Bunda (mother).
No words would ever be enough to show how much she means to me....

If only I could be half as good as she is.....

Wind Beneath My Wings
by: Bette Midler

It must have been cold there in my shadow
To never have sunlight on your face
You were content to let me shine, that's your way
You always walked a step behind

So I was the one with all the glory
While you were the one with all the strain
A beautiful face without a name for so long
A beautiful smile to hide the pain

Did you ever know that you're my hero
And everything I would like to be?
I can fly higher than an eagle
For you are the wind beneath my wings

It might have appeared to go unnoticed
But I've got it all here in my heart
I want you to know I know the truth, of course I know it
I would be nothing without you

Did you ever know that you're my hero?
You're everything I wish I could be
I could fly higher than an eagle
For you are the wind beneath my wings
'Cause you are the wind beneath my wings

Oh, the wind beneath my wings.
You, you, you, you are the wind beneath my wings
Fly, fly, fly away
You let me fly so high
Oh, you, you, you
The wind beneath my wings

Fly, fly, fly high against the sky
So high I almost touch the sky
Thank you, thank you
Thank God for you
The wind beneath my wings

Salam Damai.
Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009.
Sunday, March 11, 2007

Subhanallah -- The Four Fingered Pianist

A lazy Sunday afternoon. Nothing to do. Suddenly a message alert ringing on my cellphone. It was from a friend. She wrote: "watch MetroTV now. Hurry"

Lazily I zapped the remote control channel to MetroTV.

A little girl dressed in pink playing a Mozart composition in piano. Nothing unusual. But wait.....

Subhanallah. She was Hee Ah Lee.

"The Four Fingered Pianist" who was performing in Jakarta for a fundraising charity for disabled people in Indonesia several days back. I read the news. But I never expect I would feel this moved seeing her playing.

Hee Ah was born 21 years ago with only 4 fingers.. two on each hand -- some called it "a-lobster-clawed-syndrom" -- and with no legs under her kneecaps.

Throughout the program smiles never leave her sweet face. She greeted the audience with great confidence, conveying the soul of her performance title: "Sharing the Strength Of Love".

"Sharing The Strength Of Love" .. so true.

So for those who missed the news and her performance, here I would like to share with you the excerpts:

She is now a famous person in her country and other countries as well. But mind you, it was not without struggle. Watching her life line, I found her as very inspirational.
"Nothing is impossible if you put your heart and mind to it"
She taught us about patience, hard work, believe in oneself, the power of love, and above all that faith to God Almighty.

Whenever I was down, I always remember this girl dressed in pink. Her name is Hee Ah Lee "The Four Fingered Pianist"

Salam Damai.
Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009.

Count Your Blessings

Q94 : Surah Ash-Sharh

In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

1. Have We not opened your breast for you O Muhammad (Peace be upon him) ?

2. And removed from you your burden,

3. Which weighed down your back?

4. And raised high your fame?

5. So verily, with the hardship, there is relief,

6. Verily, with the hardship, there is relief

7. So when you have finished (from your occupation), then stand up for Allâh's worship (i.e. stand up for prayer).

8. And to your Lord (Alone) turn (all your intentions and hopes and) your invocations.

Salam Damai.
Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009.
Thursday, February 8, 2007

Stop Violence In The Home

First of all, this definitely is NOT a promotion of "The Body Shop", although Anita Roddick might be delightfull about it.. lolz.

Just take time to read the message ... and silently ask ourselves whether each and everyone of us has done that in our home..... towards our beloved ones. One might think that violence only refer to physical abusement. Of course, harsh words will not break any bones.. but they do break hearts. And heart wounds, my friend, more often than not is more difficult to heal.

Well... I'm not trying to be philosophical here -- am just thinking outloud :D

Salam Damai.
Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009.
Thursday, January 18, 2007


Ya Allah... Jadikanlah aku orang yang mencintai-Mu, mencintai orang yang mencintai-Mu, dan mencintai segala sesuatu yang dapat mendekatkan cintaku kepada-mu. Dan, jadikanlah cintaku kepada-Mu melebihi air sejuk sekalipun...

Semoga selalu ada kedamaian di hati ini. Amiin.

Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009