If he ever heard this word, Captain Haddock would have said: "Blistering barnicles, what on earth is that?!!!"
Hope I didn't misspell it :D
I came accross this word " D i s c o m g o o g o l a t i o n" in my friend's Yehia's blog last nite. First I thought he was talking in his sleep (alias ngelindur *wakakak*)

It's a new syndrome, which according to a recent study, affected those who's life have become entirely too dependent to internet. It's is a feeling of distress or anxiety ones suffer when unable to gain immediate information access -- in fact, the condition could up brain activity and blood pressure level.
The terms "Discomgoogolation" comes from "discombobulate" (which means to confuse or frustrate or, acording to Oxford consice dictionary means: disturb, disconcert) and Google (the you know who

"The proliferation of broadband has meant that for the first time in history we have entered a culture of 'instant answers' a galaxy of information is just a mouse click away and we have become addicted to the web.So ... if you often feel "lost" and distressed when you cannot get online/ gain access to internet to meet with your friends, or to do browsing or blogging (like some friends I know
"When unable to get online, 'discomgoogolation' takes over. It was surprising to see the stress this led to in brain activity and blood pressure in participants. It seems to be especially stressful for people when they are out and about. ...................... ," David Lewis, who led the study team, was quoted by the Daily Mail as saying.

But heyyy .... don't worry, you are not alone !!! At least nearly half of Britons, according to the study, suffer this discomgoogolation syndrome too.

Well I'm not going to go any further with this stress-related-syndrome. Sadly I just remembered that once I read in the news that one of the-indonesian-famous-public-figure said proudly that she communicates with her siblings online -- chat thru internet although at the very moment they are under the same roof, only in different rooms. Goshhhh.
"Too much of anything is not good for you". So I think we need to always conciously balance our life between the real world and the "faceless" cyber world -- and will not have to take too much effort in saying and spelling and curing "discomgoogolation".
Salam Damai.
Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009.
ga juga tuh abi kemarin lebih dari sebulan ga bisa ol dirumah, namun tidak mempengaruhi kinerja otak:D apalagi tekanan darah,...yg penting pengendalian diri dan cepat beradaptasi pada situasi apapun...so the term disco whatever it's is only for CENGENG MAN:)) NOT FOR ABI BAKA!
eh lupa PERTAMAX!
It is you who is too dependent on the Net. I'm not :P
Btw... it doesn't matter whether bro yehia is awake or not he keeps babbling all the time... wakakakak... kaboor.....
@ Yari NK:
woiiiii..fasting time ! Bisa tahan gak bergantung kenet, tapi ga tahan untuk ga nyela :P
Ayooo semangat222
@ Abi Bakar:
ga ol di rumah.. tapi rajin ke warnet tiap hari. Same lah .. alias podo wae :P
@ Gelandangan:
ya, tetap semangat!
Dan makasih sudah berkunjung di rumah-maya-ku yang sederhana
ampun deh klo dah berbahasa ingris
Hiks :( it would be a disaster if internet connection or my hosting is down while i'm participating on SEO contest :(
*santai aja lageee.. hi3x*