some don'ts from the pic above become the do's in my real life. But what if we are sh*tting?? I mean what if we are sitting on the toilet bowl? What is the best sit to save our precious spines?? :D
TIME is ... too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice but for those who love time is eternity ..
enggak ngerti maksunya apaan
abis enggak bisa bahasa inggris
mendng komentara aja ahhh
some don'ts from the pic above become the do's in my real life. But what if we are sh*tting?? I mean what if we are sitting on the toilet bowl? What is the best sit to save our precious spines?? :D
how about massage our back, is it good for our back?
@ Gelandangan:
ahh..pura2 gak bisa ya:D
@Yari NK:
I guess you won't do it by slumping,... or do you?
*asal jangan ngikutin gaya pedro.. wakakak*
@Abi Bakar:
depends... depends on who do the massage :p
But if you already hv back problem, avoid massaging it unless done by chiropractor/ expert.
yusp it time to relaxing our back ....
@ Subagya:
agreed, bro.. there are times when we have to give our body/spine its right to rest for a while.
N makasih udah mampir
mmm saya kok bingung dengan postingan inih... :D
@ h4rs:
iyaaa....saya aja bingung:P
Makasih dah mampir.. btw blog sableng kamu kren abiiisss
Mohon maaf lahir batin
Salam Kenal. :)
@Andy MSE :
sama-sama, maaf lahir batin juga mas.. lalai menjawab diblog ini karena waktu itu segera meluncur ke blognya mas Andi
@Cahaya Biru:
Terima kasih telah bertandang.. salam kenal juga!
Still the same post, no update occurs in this blog:D
thanks great post..wakakaka