Not intended to compete with Katie Holmes' "First Daughter" movie

Born on the Indonesian 63rd Independence Day, the beautiful baby is the first daughter of Agus Harimurty -- son of The President SBY -- and Anissa Larasati Pohan. The baby's name was carefully chosen by the family, as the believe that each name brings good du'a (prayer) and good wishes to the bearer.
Almira, name rooted in Arabic, means noble/aristocratic/exalted. Tunggadewi is taken from the name of Indonesian leading and prominent women, the Queen of Majapahit - the 14th century monarchy. Yudhoyono is the family name.
The baby will be living her first 40 days at The Merdeka Palace with her parents and her Grandparent "the President" to ensure the best post natal treatment, before moving on to live at the army barrack in Karawang -- east of Jakarta, at the suburb-- where her father Captain (Inf) Agus Harimurty was posted. The plan is highly recommended and supported by her Grandfather, as to army barrack milleu would give a good influence in the character building of the family -- to be a strong yet humble person in the future.
May Allah SWT grant her and her family strong iman/ faith and happiness always throughout her life and may her existence brings ample of joys for the family.. Amiin
Salam Damai.
Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009.
Hmmmm.... I unintentionally watched an infotainment programme in which one of Anissa Pohan's family commented on the baby. She said the baby is born healthy and she has white skin and well-built (long) nose.
White skin?? That's possible. Because babies (including Indonesian babies) are still relatively free from UV light. But well-built nose?? Wow... if I look at the pic above, I would say that the baby needs a genetic makeover to have a well-built nose like the one described by the Anissa's family member. :P
Maybe she will not need to do wht you called "a genetic make over" :D Let's wait and see for another 3-4 years and see how she turns out to look.
I myself was "pesek" when I was a baby ... now I think I hv " ok nose" :P
*wakakak... ngaku2.. gak ada yg muji seeeh*
@ kang Yari NK:
my previous comment was meant to reply yours :D
She will look OK.... even with her flat nose :P
Coz people always think that sharp pointed nose is better than a flat nose.... a white skin is better than the darker one.....
I'm not laughing at the innocent baby of course, I laugh at the ignorant comments that spark around the baby's birth especially the one said by the Anissa's family at the infotainment.... :P
Mukanya kaya ibu Yudhoyono ya bang?
@ kang Yari NK:
yea yea... slim is better than fat :P
Dunno why people have shallow mind.
@ monica mirien:
iya..ada yg bilang begitu .. tapi wajah bayi kan masih berubah2... siapa tau nanti Aira mirip aku
*becanda mode on*
hahaha..Gaia di panggil "abang"
O iya... saya baru ingat.... sis Gaia kan memang mancung.... mancung perutnya... wakakakakak.... :lol:
**kabuur sebelum diseruduk sis gaia** :P
@ Yari NK:
Koq tau siiiihhh :P itu tandanya makmur :P
Ho'oh... makmur.... cacingnya di perut sis gaia makmur banget! Wakakakak..... :lol:
**kabur ah sebelum sis Gaia bersalin melahirkan cacing2nya** :mrgreen:
Weleeh.... mo puasa malah ngata2in.... maapan2nya pas lebaran aja yah?? :mrgreen: