How often have I quoted that Life is like riding a roller coaster. But a friend loves to say that Life is just like weather. Life, he quoted, is full of storms and rainbows.
Well. I could agree with that, for me, we just see things from different point of view, but he insisted that his approach is more suitable for humanity.. whatever that means..

No body wants to get caught in the storms, yet one time unwarily trapped in it and they have to face it and somehow do everything to survive. And after the hardest struggle everyone surely hope to see a clear sky -- and if you are lucky -- with a wonderous rainbow in distance. The storm is the unhappiness in our life, and the rainbow is the happiness we always striving for.
I remember he also quoted (I said he must have quoted it from somewhere coz he could not have been that wise he3x

But everything in life surely would come to an end. Just like a catterpilars change into a beautifull butterfly, for every storm in our life we could hope that at the end we could see a rainbow in a clear blue sky.
In our life, we could make the rainbow back by wiping all the hurts and pains, feeling of betrayal and mistrust we have caused with sincere apologizing or probably a light cheering up will do. Or on the other hand we could stay happy by doing the things we like with the people we love and conciously chose not to pull any trigger that could cause an outburst of unhappiness.
Some hurts would need longer time to heal, but I believe the hope for happiness will help us cope. This time my friend agreed with me

* kalau kata emak gue: habis gelap, terbitlah terang

Salam Damai.
Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009.
Maaf, pak, disini cuma ada Pertamax Plus :P
So if I want to see a rainbow after the rain, I will take your words, I will wipe somebody's hurt and see whether the rainbow will pop up or not.
If my heart is not being hurt, I will look for one who is, and if I fail to meet one, I will make somebody hurt and I will wipe the hurts off and see whether the rainbow will show up afterwards.... :P
@ kang Yari NK:
if you want to see a rainbow but nobody dare to hurt you..... just call my name,and I'll be there :D
*wakakak.. lagunya Michael Jackson tu yak*